Innovation and Entrepreneurship Masterclass
- Entrepreneurship mindset - How to cultivate a growth-orientated mindset and think outside the box innovatively - Become aware of all the fundamental aspects of business, from starting-up to scaling-up, and recognising how they all influence each other. - Identify new ways to solve problems and meet needs - How to establish positively framed goals - How to keep yourself motivated in this journey - How to develop your personal leadership skills and grow comfortable taking risks. - Cultivate an innovative mindset that is solution-orientated
Curated by:
Lo Lindqvist
+ 4


Product management fundamental
- Principles of User Experience(UX) Design and User Interface(UI) - Principles & Frameworks for Design Thinking - Prototyping and User Testing of Prototypes - Design Thinking principles and frameworks - Creativity vs. Innovation - Innovation process and its different types
Curated by:
Ruth Holler
+ 17