Curated Learning Paths By Francesco:

  Google Maps
Palazzo Leoni Montanari - La Bellezza a Vicenza
Basilica palladiana, vicenza
Vicenza and Palladio: a sightseeing tour | Itinerario a Vicenza sulle tracce di Palladio
The Rectors of Vicenza kneeling before Mary
Monument of Antonio Pigafetta, Vicenza
Empire of the Eye: The Magic of Illusion-Teatro Olimpico—Andrea Palladio, Part 7
Banquet of St Gregory the Great, Paolo Veronese
How Magellan circumnavigated the globe - Ewandro Magalhaes
Palladian Villas to visit: Villa Valmarana ai Nani | Ville Venete: Villa Valmarana ai Nani
Church of Santa Corona, high altar (1660s-1670s, Corbarelli workshop from Florence)
Fondazione Coppola
ART/ARCHITECTURE - Andrea Palladio
Found in Translation: Palladio – Jefferson

Renaissance/2 Vicenza and the king of architecture: Andrea Palladio


You will discover the strengths of a city which is a bit too close to Venice, Padua and Verona - and therefore overlooked. By far the most important one is its being the birthplace of the most influential architect ever, Andrea Palladio. Find out what he did, and why Vicenza is the best place to get acquainted with his work.

Curated by:

Francesco Cisternino
14 Steps
for all

+ 5

Fishermen's life in a Cornish village
The strike by Robert Koheler (1886)
Angelo Morbelli, For eighty cents! (1895)
The iron foundry by Maximilien Luce (1899)
Understanding The iron-rolling mill by Adolph Menzel
Sesembra fish auction
Understanding The strike
A Closer Look: “Per ottanta Centesimi…!”
The Bessemer Steel Process
A fish sale on a Cornish beach - Art history resource
Haymarket riots 1886
The Gleaners by Jean-Francois Millet (1854)
A woman descending into a pit, Costantin Meunier
The doctor by Luke Fields
On strike by Hubert von Herkomer (1891)
The cast in Seirang by Constantin Meunier (1880)
Constantin Meunier, founding beauty in darkness
Understanding Luke Fildes’ The Doctor
1891 On Strike
An explanation of the Casting at Seraing
The iron-rolling mill by Adolph Menzel, 1872-5

Art of the industrialisation (1850-1910)


To examine images and concepts related to the 19th century industrial development in Europe To discover how artists interpreted them for the benefit of their viewers

Curated by:

Francesco Cisternino
21 Steps
for all

+ 1

Streets Of Padua - A 4K City Walk
Explanation of the scene
Crucifixion, Altichiero da Zevio (1376-79, fresco, 840 x 280 cm)
The Baptistery of the Duomo
Botanical gardens
Padua & UNESCO: The Scrovegni Chapel | Padova: la Cappella degli Scrovegni | Italia Slow Tour
Saint John - The Baptist's Birth,  Giusto di Giovanni Menabuoi (2nd half 14th cent.)
Archangel, Guariento d'Arpo (1350, tempera on panel, 80 x 57 cm)
Basilica of Saint Anthony of Padua (Padua, Italy)
Meeting at the golden gate, Giotto
Padova, il ciclo di Affreschi del Battistero restaurato. Le prime immagini
Part of the fresco cycle by Giusto  de' Menabuoi, 1375-6, Padua Baptistery
Weighing souls in ancient Egypt
Explanation of the narrative
Monumento equestre al Gattamelata - Wikipedia
Gender and Ritual in the Baptistery of Padua
Palazzo Bo
The birth of the Virgin, Giotto
Equestrian Statue of Gattamelata, Donatello (1453)
Altichiero da Zevio
The temple of astrology

The grand tour of Italy Part 1 - Padua, the Veneto


By the end of this path, participants will be expected to: a) get an overview upon Padua's main tourist attractions, particularly in terms of art and architecture; b) look at paintings, mosaics and sculptures in a more inquisitive way; c) collect ideas and prompts in view of further reading or even future travel experiences.

Curated by:

Francesco Cisternino
21 Steps
for beginner
Test format
Learn English: IELTS Series 2
Learn English: IELTS Series 3
Learn English: IELTS Series 1
The Lonely Palette Podcast
Science Fantastic
Science Weekly - The Guardian
Lessons Worth Sharing
Smithsonian Magazine
The Conversation: In-depth analysis, research, news and ideas from leading academics and researchers.
Macmillan Dictionary
IELTS Speaking practice
Free exam preparation to improve your test score
Presenting business information using charts and graphs | Business of English #8 | ABC Australia
IELTS Academic Test Preparation | edX

IELTS in 15 moves


If you follow this path you will become familiar with the format, timing and challenges typical of the IELTS exam. What is more, you'll get access to a wealth of resources of different types such as podcasts, educational videos and articles. The language you'll be exposed to is similar to the one you'll find in the actual test. Good luck!

Curated by:

Francesco Cisternino
15 Steps
for all

+ 7

Esercizi di comprensione orale in italiano con video didattici
Esami degli anni precedenti
The Italian Job
Che cos'e' il CILS?
Lessico italiano
Dizionario italiano
Grammatica - Periodo ipotetico
Il Post - Quotidiano online
Tutti i tipi di aggettivi
Archivio di grammatica
Grammatica - Congiuntivo. Verbi di dubbio, volonta' e sentimento
Descrivere un'immagine/una foto
Italiano per immagini
Dee Giallo
Tutti i pronomi
Italiano per immagini
Lettura - Un'altra vita

Prepara il CILS. Materiali di livello intermedio per l'esame d'italiano


Queste risorse ti permetteranno di capire meglio in cosa consiste l'esame CILS. Potrai inoltre leggere ed ascoltare materiali simili a quelli che trovi nell'esame, e fare pratica con i test degli anni precedenti.

Curated by:

Francesco Cisternino
18 Steps
for expert